Helpful Information
Category: Solutions
"Bouncing" e-mail problems

If you are having troubles with "bouncing" e-mail:

- Make sure your mail accounts are set up within your Site Manager. Log in to "" and go to "E-mail/FTP Management".

- Within the subsection "Users" verify the appropriate POP user accounts are set up.
- Within the subsection "Aliases" verify you have the appropriate forwarding aliases set up, and with correct settings.
- If you want to make sure mail is never bounced for ANY mail sent to your domain(s), make sure a "catch all" alias is created.

Note: Some clients may have had"bounced" mail problems when mail is sent from a 2.0 site to a 1.0 site. Although the remaining clients have not yet been upgraded, the mail is trying to be sent to their eventual upgraded location on WestHost 2.0. This problem has since been resolved and should no longer be occuring.

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